Source code for irc.modes

[docs]def parse_nick_modes(mode_string): """Parse a nick mode string. The function returns a list of lists with three members: sign, mode and argument. The sign is "+" or "-". The argument is always None. Example: >>> parse_nick_modes("+ab-c") [['+', 'a', None], ['+', 'b', None], ['-', 'c', None]] """ return _parse_modes(mode_string, "")
[docs]def parse_channel_modes(mode_string): """Parse a channel mode string. The function returns a list of lists with three members: sign, mode and argument. The sign is "+" or "-". The argument is None if mode isn't one of "b", "k", "l", "v", "o", "h", or "q". Example: >>> parse_channel_modes("+ab-c foo") [['+', 'a', None], ['+', 'b', 'foo'], ['-', 'c', None]] """ return _parse_modes(mode_string, "bklvohq")
def _parse_modes(mode_string, unary_modes=""): """ Parse the mode_string and return a list of triples. If no string is supplied return an empty list. >>> _parse_modes('') [] If no sign is supplied, return an empty list. >>> _parse_modes('ab') [] Discard unused args. >>> _parse_modes('+a foo bar baz') [['+', 'a', None]] Return none for unary args when not provided >>> _parse_modes('+abc foo', unary_modes='abc') [['+', 'a', 'foo'], ['+', 'b', None], ['+', 'c', None]] This function never throws an error: >>> import random >>> def random_text(min_len = 3, max_len = 80): ... len = random.randint(min_len, max_len) ... chars_to_choose = [chr(x) for x in range(0,1024)] ... chars = (random.choice(chars_to_choose) for x in range(len)) ... return ''.join(chars) >>> def random_texts(min_len = 3, max_len = 80): ... while True: ... yield random_text(min_len, max_len) >>> import itertools >>> texts = itertools.islice(random_texts(), 1000) >>> set(type(_parse_modes(text)) for text in texts) == {list} True """ # mode_string must be non-empty and begin with a sign if not mode_string or mode_string[0] not in "+-": return [] modes = [] parts = mode_string.split() mode_part, args = parts[0], parts[1:] for ch in mode_part: if ch in "+-": sign = ch continue arg = args.pop(0) if ch in unary_modes and args else None modes.append([sign, ch, arg]) return modes