Source code for

Simple IRC bot library.

This module contains a single-server IRC bot class that can be used to
write simpler bots.

import abc
import collections
import itertools
import random
import sys

import more_itertools

import irc.client
import irc.modes

from .dict import IRCDict

[docs]class ServerSpec: """ An IRC server specification. >>> spec = ServerSpec('localhost') >>> 'localhost' >>> spec.port 6667 >>> spec.password >>> spec = ServerSpec('', 6697, 'fooP455') >>> spec.password 'fooP455' """ def __init__(self, host, port=6667, password=None): = host self.port = port self.password = password def __repr__(self): return "< for server {}:{} {}>".format(, self.port, "with password" if self.password else "without password", )
[docs] @classmethod def ensure(cls, input): spec = cls(*input) if isinstance(input, (list, tuple)) else input assert isinstance(spec, cls) return spec
[docs]class ReconnectStrategy(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ An abstract base class describing the interface used by SingleServerIRCBot for handling reconnect following disconnect events. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def run(self, bot): """ Invoked by the bot on disconnect. Here a strategy can determine how to react to a disconnect. """
[docs]class ExponentialBackoff(ReconnectStrategy): """ A ReconnectStrategy implementing exponential backoff with jitter. """ min_interval = 60 max_interval = 300 def __init__(self, **attrs): vars(self).update(attrs) assert 0 <= self.min_interval <= self.max_interval self._check_scheduled = False self.attempt_count = itertools.count(1)
[docs] def run(self, bot): = bot if self._check_scheduled: return # calculate interval in seconds based on connection attempts intvl = 2 ** next(self.attempt_count) - 1 # limit the max interval intvl = min(intvl, self.max_interval) # add jitter and truncate to integer seconds intvl = int(intvl * random.random()) # limit the min interval intvl = max(intvl, self.min_interval), self.check) self._check_scheduled = True
[docs] def check(self): self._check_scheduled = False if not
missing = object()
[docs]class SingleServerIRCBot(irc.client.SimpleIRCClient): r"""A single-server IRC bot class. The bot tries to reconnect if it is disconnected. The bot keeps track of the channels it has joined, the other clients that are present in the channels and which of those that have operator or voice modes. The "database" is kept in the self.channels attribute, which is an IRCDict of Channels. Arguments: server_list -- A list of ServerSpec objects or tuples of parameters suitable for constructing ServerSpec objects. Defines the list of servers the bot will use (in order). nickname -- The bot's nickname. realname -- The bot's realname. recon -- A ReconnectStrategy for reconnecting on disconnect or failed connection. dcc_connections -- A list of initiated/accepted DCC connections. \*\*connect_params -- parameters to pass through to the connect method. """ def __init__( self, server_list, nickname, realname, _=None, recon=ExponentialBackoff(), **connect_params, ): super().__init__() self.__connect_params = connect_params self.channels = IRCDict() specs = map(ServerSpec.ensure, server_list) self.servers = more_itertools.peekable(itertools.cycle(specs)) self.recon = recon self._nickname = nickname self._realname = realname for i in [ "disconnect", "join", "kick", "mode", "namreply", "nick", "part", "quit", ]: self.connection.add_global_handler(i, getattr(self, "_on_" + i), -20) def _connect(self): """ Establish a connection to the server at the front of the server_list. """ server = self.servers.peek() try: self.connect(, server.port, self._nickname, server.password, ircname=self._realname, **self.__connect_params, ) except irc.client.ServerConnectionError: self.connection._handle_event( irc.client.Event("disconnect", self.connection.server, "", [""]) ) def _on_disconnect(self, connection, event): self.channels = IRCDict() def _on_join(self, connection, event): ch = nick = event.source.nick if nick == connection.get_nickname(): self.channels[ch] = Channel() self.channels[ch].add_user(nick) def _on_kick(self, connection, event): nick = event.arguments[0] channel = if nick == connection.get_nickname(): del self.channels[channel] else: self.channels[channel].remove_user(nick) def _on_mode(self, connection, event): t = if not irc.client.is_channel(t): # mode on self; disregard return ch = self.channels[t] modes = irc.modes.parse_channel_modes(" ".join(event.arguments)) for sign, mode, argument in modes: f = {"+": ch.set_mode, "-": ch.clear_mode}[sign] f(mode, argument) def _on_namreply(self, connection, event): """ event.arguments[0] == "@" for secret channels, "*" for private channels, "=" for others (public channels) event.arguments[1] == channel event.arguments[2] == nick list """ ch_type, channel, nick_list = event.arguments if channel == '*': # User is not in any visible channel # return for nick in nick_list.split(): nick_modes = [] if nick[0] in self.connection.features.prefix: nick_modes.append(self.connection.features.prefix[nick[0]]) nick = nick[1:] for mode in nick_modes: self.channels[channel].set_mode(mode, nick) self.channels[channel].add_user(nick) def _on_nick(self, connection, event): before = event.source.nick after = for ch in self.channels.values(): if ch.has_user(before): ch.change_nick(before, after) def _on_part(self, connection, event): nick = event.source.nick channel = if nick == connection.get_nickname(): del self.channels[channel] else: self.channels[channel].remove_user(nick) def _on_quit(self, connection, event): nick = event.source.nick for ch in self.channels.values(): if ch.has_user(nick): ch.remove_user(nick)
[docs] def die(self, msg="Bye, cruel world!"): """Let the bot die. Arguments: msg -- Quit message. """ self.connection.disconnect(msg) sys.exit(0)
[docs] def disconnect(self, msg="I'll be back!"): """Disconnect the bot. The bot will try to reconnect after a while. Arguments: msg -- Quit message. """ self.connection.disconnect(msg)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_version(): """Returns the bot version. Used when answering a CTCP VERSION request. """ return f"Python ({irc._get_version()})"
[docs] def jump_server(self, msg="Changing servers"): """Connect to a new server, possibly disconnecting from the current. The bot will skip to next server in the server_list each time jump_server is called. """ if self.connection.is_connected(): self.connection.disconnect(msg) next(self.servers) self._connect()
[docs] def on_ctcp(self, connection, event): """Default handler for ctcp events. Replies to VERSION and PING requests and relays DCC requests to the on_dccchat method. """ nick = event.source.nick if event.arguments[0] == "VERSION": connection.ctcp_reply(nick, "VERSION " + self.get_version()) elif event.arguments[0] == "PING": if len(event.arguments) > 1: connection.ctcp_reply(nick, "PING " + event.arguments[1]) elif ( event.arguments[0] == "DCC" and event.arguments[1].split(" ", 1)[0] == "CHAT" ): self.on_dccchat(connection, event)
[docs] def on_dccchat(self, connection, event): pass
[docs] def start(self): """Start the bot.""" self._connect() super().start()
[docs]class Channel: """ A class for keeping information about an IRC channel. """ user_modes = 'ovqha' """ Modes which are applicable to individual users, and which should be tracked in the mode_users dictionary. """ def __init__(self): self._users = IRCDict() self.mode_users = collections.defaultdict(IRCDict) self.modes = {}
[docs] def users(self): """Returns an unsorted list of the channel's users.""" return self._users.keys()
[docs] def opers(self): """Returns an unsorted list of the channel's operators.""" return self.mode_users['o'].keys()
[docs] def voiced(self): """Returns an unsorted list of the persons that have voice mode set in the channel.""" return self.mode_users['v'].keys()
[docs] def owners(self): """Returns an unsorted list of the channel's owners.""" return self.mode_users['q'].keys()
[docs] def halfops(self): """Returns an unsorted list of the channel's half-operators.""" return self.mode_users['h'].keys()
[docs] def admins(self): """Returns an unsorted list of the channel's admins.""" return self.mode_users['a'].keys()
[docs] def has_user(self, nick): """Check whether the channel has a user.""" return nick in self._users
[docs] def is_oper(self, nick): """Check whether a user has operator status in the channel.""" return nick in self.mode_users['o']
[docs] def is_voiced(self, nick): """Check whether a user has voice mode set in the channel.""" return nick in self.mode_users['v']
[docs] def is_owner(self, nick): """Check whether a user has owner status in the channel.""" return nick in self.mode_users['q']
[docs] def is_halfop(self, nick): """Check whether a user has half-operator status in the channel.""" return nick in self.mode_users['h']
[docs] def is_admin(self, nick): """Check whether a user has admin status in the channel.""" return nick in self.mode_users['a']
[docs] def add_user(self, nick): self._users[nick] = 1
@property def user_dicts(self): yield self._users yield from self.mode_users.values()
[docs] def remove_user(self, nick): for d in self.user_dicts: d.pop(nick, None)
[docs] def change_nick(self, before, after): self._users[after] = self._users.pop(before) for mode_lookup in self.mode_users.values(): if before in mode_lookup: mode_lookup[after] = mode_lookup.pop(before)
[docs] def set_userdetails(self, nick, details): if nick in self._users: self._users[nick] = details
[docs] def set_mode(self, mode, value=None): """Set mode on the channel. Arguments: mode -- The mode (a single-character string). value -- Value """ if mode in self.user_modes: self.mode_users[mode][value] = 1 else: self.modes[mode] = value
[docs] def clear_mode(self, mode, value=None): """Clear mode on the channel. Arguments: mode -- The mode (a single-character string). value -- Value """ try: if mode in self.user_modes: del self.mode_users[mode][value] else: del self.modes[mode] except KeyError: pass
[docs] def has_mode(self, mode): return mode in self.modes
[docs] def is_moderated(self): return self.has_mode("m")
[docs] def is_secret(self): return self.has_mode("s")
[docs] def is_protected(self): return self.has_mode("p")
[docs] def has_topic_lock(self): return self.has_mode("t")
[docs] def is_invite_only(self): return self.has_mode("i")
[docs] def has_allow_external_messages(self): return self.has_mode("n")
[docs] def has_limit(self): return self.has_mode("l")
[docs] def limit(self): if self.has_limit(): return self.modes["l"] else: return None
[docs] def has_key(self): return self.has_mode("k")